Friday, August 13, 2010

Why is the weekend weather always crappy?

Its Friday night, and that means checking the weather for tomorrow to see if Matt and I can do a dual cross-country through to the West Coast.  It doesn't look promising.

But then, NZ weather is fickle and we may get enough of a clearance to get through one of the passes. After all, I don't actually want a clear blue sky and the ability to climb to 10,000 feet, and cruise on over the Alps. I've done that and there's no real challenge, provided the wind is not extreme.

I want weather that makes me work to get there, and forces me to make a lot of decisions. I want to approach one of the passes with a low cloud base and have to make a call. That's the criteria for the Commercial Pilot cross country endorsement, and that's the environment where you learn to make the go / no go decisions.

Anyway, we've exchanged texts, and we'll wait to 7 am to make a decision about taking to the air around 9am, or perhaps delay until the afternoon. If I go, i must remember to get some photos...

1 comment:

  1. What an absolutely awesome skill you've got; it makes me drool with envy! Hope the weather does what you want. :-)
